Abortion Laws in Pakistan

Is abortion legal in Pakistan?

Abortion is legal in Pakistan only during the early stages of the pregnancy to save the life of the woman as well provide necessary treatment.

What are the different abortion services available in Pakistan?

Pakistan provides both medical as well as surgical abortion services. For medical abortion (MA), a combination of two drugs, Mifepristone and Misoprostol is used. Surgical procedures that are available are Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) and Dilation and Evacuation (D&E).

Who can perform abortions in Pakistan?

Only obstetricians and gynecologists (OBGYN), doctors with a MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor Surgery), nurses and trained midwives are allowed to perform abortions.

Where can I go for abortion services in Pakistan?

Abortion services are available at public, private and NGO sector.

What are the legal and safe drugs available in Pakistan?

The Ministry of Health in Pakistan has approved 10 brands of misoprostol tablets for abortion. The price is around Rs. 100 (approx. US $ 0.95).

Can I buy abortion pills at a pharmacy in Pakistan?

Abortion pills can be dispensed from pharmacies if there is a valid prescription.

Who can I contact for additional abortion information and support in Pakistan?

There are several resources and helplines available for Pakistan that answers your queries. They are as follows:

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