Ley de aborto en Argentina

Is abortion legal in Argentina?

Abortion is a right in Argentina, governed by Law 27610.

According to its article 4, the voluntary interruption of pregnancy can be carried out until week 14 inclusive, without question. After this period, the pregnant person can only access an abortion in the following cases:

  • When the pregnancy is the product of rape.
  • When the life or "integral health" of the pregnant person is at risk.

What are the abortion services available in Argentina?

  • Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA).
  • Medical abortion. Abortion with misoprostol is available, but mifepristone production is expected to be boosted soon.
  • Dilation and Curettage.

Who can provide a safe abortion in Argentina?

Manual Aspiration needs to be performed by a health professional. Dilation and Curettage needs to be performed by a doctor. And an abortion with medications needs to be prescribed by a doctor.

Where can I go to access a safe abortion?

According to law 27610, abortion can be performed in any hospital or clinic. In the event that they refuse to carry out the procedure due to conscientious objection, article 11 of the law establishes that it is the institution's obligation to refer you to another health center with similar characteristics that does carry out the termination of pregnancy. In addition, the procedures and costs associated with the referral and transfer of the patient are in charge of the health facility that denies the provision of abortion in the first place.

How much does an abortion cost?

All organizations that provide medical-assistance services must offer comprehensive and free coverage for practicing abortions. This implies that diagnostic practices, medications and support therapies are included in the National Program for Quality Assurance of Medical Care and in the Compulsory Medical Program (PMO) with full coverage.

What are the legal and safe medications available?

For now, only misoprostol is legally available. In general they are indicated as vaginal pills, but they can also be administered with the same effectiveness sublingually.

Can I buy abortion pills at a pharmacy in Argentina?


What do abortion pills look like in Argentina?

Who can I contact for more information on access to safe abortion in Argentina?

  • National Direction of Sexual and Reproductive Health: if you are denied an abortion, if you have questions or require information about the Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy, you can call from anywhere in the country to the following number: 0800 222 3444. You can do it from Mondays to Fridays from 9AM to 9PM and Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, from 9AM to 6PM. You can also contact them at the institutional email: saludsexual@msal.gov.ar
  • Socorristas en Red, feminist accompaniment network. You can find their contact information throughout the country in this website: https://socorristasenred.org/


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